November 2022

  • Published On 17th January 2023

BEST Events – Held @ Shaw Lane Sports Club, Barnsley

 For further information the BEST Portal Website can be accessed at


Medicines Management

Shared care and Amber-G guidelines can be found at the following link:  An overview of Shared Care guidelines, including the Principles of Shared Care is available to read here.

Prescribers (including secondary care clinicians) are encouraged to report any problems they experience with shared care or other medicines related issue, particularly where guidelines are not being complied with, to the following email address:

With secondary care opening up activity and undertaking remote consultations, it has been reported that there has been increased pressure in primary care to undertake things they wouldn’t normally.  Due to this, the APC reporting has been temporarily expanded to capture any issues and these can be fed into the APC.  The hospitals need this information so that issues can be addressed.

Practices can now report any interface issues they have, as much as possible, via Barnsley LMC, which will then be submitted to the hospitals.

A list of Prescribing Guidelines is available to view here.

The Barnsley Area Joint Formulary is available to view here.

Medicines Management monthly Newsletters are available to view here.


Workload Shift

 Barnsley LMC would like to remind all practices it is important that we receive examples of any workload shift.  Please provide examples of workload shift to in order that these can be taken to the meeting with Secondary Care.

We would also request that practices provide examples to Barnsley LMC of any patients who appear to have been waiting for an unreasonable amount of time for follow up appointments from the hospital that may be detrimental to patient care/outcome.


The Future of General Practice Report

General practice has seen significant changes in recent years, such as the development of Primary Care Networks, and during the pandemic the way in which many patients interact with their local practice has changed substantially.  This inquiry has explored specific issues including regional variation in general practice, the general practice workload and the partnership model of general practice.

 The future of general practice (


Integrated workforce thinking across systems


Improved outcomes in population health and health care is one of the fundamental purposes of integrated care systems (ICSs).


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Ovarian Cancer Achieving Better Outcomes

This report shows that although there have been significant improvements over the years for women with ovarian cancer, not enough progress has been made in diagnosis, awareness, treatment and support.

It reveals that if diagnosis was faster, further support was available and access to treatment was fairer, there could be potential for more women to survive, live well with ovarian cancer and be supported from diagnosis and throughout treatment. Click here for more.

Poverty and The Health and Care System

An estimated 1 in 5 people in the United Kingdom are living in poverty, which equates to 14.5 million people, including 4.3 million children.

Health and care systems can mitigate, reduce and prevent poverty’s effects on health, but to do this they need to be much better at sharing and acting on data. This document explores existing good practice, and what needs to happen next.


Flexible Working in Primary Care

Six case studies of GP practices across England have been published by the Institute for Employment Studies (IES), showcasing several successful strategies to implement flexible working practices.

Read more »


Letter from GP for Travel With Medication

It has been brought to our attention that some airlines are advising travellers bringing medication in their hand luggage, should bring a letter from their medical practitioner confirming the type of medication and what it is for. We have raised this issue with the airline, who advised that if a passenger packs their medication in their hold luggage, they do not require any of their medical information. However, if a passenger seeks to carry their essential medication in their cabin luggage, and the form of the medication contravenes aviation regulations e.g., the use of sharps, liquids more than 100ml or oxygen cylinders, they require the passenger to produce confirmation from their healthcare practitioner that the medication is necessary to be carried as it may be required on board. However, as the advice on their website is not clear on this point as it advises passengers to take their medication in their hand luggage, and it does not specify which sort of medication requires a letter, we have written to the airline again asking for their webpage to be updated on this point. Practices may choose to do this private work but are not obliged to do so. Practices should advise patients that they can print off their medical record from the NHS app, or alternatively, practices are able to charge for travel-related requests for information.


LMC Buying Group                                                                                 


Barnsley LMC has been a member of the LMC Buying Groups Federation since 2013. This means that practices can access the discounts the Buying Group has negotiated on a wide range of products and services.  If you’re not sure what the Buying Group is all about then this short video explains what they do:


By registering with the Buying Group:, you can view all the suppliers’ pricing, contact details and request quotes. The Buying Group also offers any member practice a free cost analysis which demonstrates how much money your practice could save just by swapping to buying group suppliers.  Tel: 0115 979 6910  Email:   Website: