October 2022

  • Published On 17th January 2023

BEST Events – Held @ Shaw Lane Sports Club, Barnsley

 For further information the BEST Portal Website can be accessed at http://best.barnsleyccg.nhs.uk/


Medicines Management

Shared care and Amber-G guidelines can be found at the following link: http://best.barnsleyccg.nhs.uk/clinical-support/medicines/shared-care-guidelines/  An overview of Shared Care guidelines, including the Principles of Shared Care is available to read here.

Prescribers (including secondary care clinicians) are encouraged to report any problems they experience with shared care or other medicines related issue, particularly where guidelines are not being complied with, to the following email address: BarnsleyAPCReport@nhs.net.

With secondary care opening up activity and undertaking remote consultations, it has been reported that there has been increased pressure in primary care to undertake things they wouldn’t normally.  Due to this, the APC reporting has been temporarily expanded to capture any issues and these can be fed into the APC.  The hospitals need this information so that issues can be addressed.

Practices can now report any interface issues they have, as much as possible, via Barnsley LMC, which will then be submitted to the hospitals.

A list of Prescribing Guidelines is available to view here.

The Barnsley Area Joint Formulary is available to view here.

Medicines Management monthly Newsletters are available to view here


Workload Shift

Barnsley LMC would like to remind all practices it is important that we receive examples of any workload shift.  Please provide examples of workload shift to barnsley.lmc@nhs.net in order that these can be taken to the meeting with Secondary Care.

We would also request that practices provide examples to Barnsley LMC of any patients who appear to have been waiting for an unreasonable amount of time for follow up appointments from the hospital that may be detrimental to patient care/outcome.


Offering Patient Access to Their Future Health Information

Dr Ursula Montgomery, Interim Director of Primary Care, and Dr Nikita Kanani MBE, Medical Director for Primary Care, wrote to GP practices and primary care stakeholders on the 21st July 2022 outlining the revised timeline for patients to have access to their future health information.

From 1st November 2022, patients at practices using TPP and EMIS systems will automatically have access to their prospective records online. Practices have been asked to prepare for this change by:

  • identifying patients who could be at risk of serious harm from access to their records to ensure the right safeguarding processes are in place

increasing the number of patients who have online access and/or enhance their level of access gradually over coming months prior to automatic rollout.


Enhanced Review (SNOMED) codes

Ahead of the change, where there may be safeguarding concerns, healthcare workers can prevent patients from having automatic access to new information by adding a SNOMED CT code to their record.

Records with the code 1364731000000104 Enhanced review indicated before granting access to your own health record will be excluded from the changes if applied before switch-on. They should then be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to identify if access can be provided without a risk of serious harm.

Further information on SNOMED CT codes to be used by general practice.

 A code will only work automatically before the switch-on. Applying a code after the change or switch-on will not automatically exclude access; this must be done manually on the record access settings.

Automatic process

  • applying the 104 code will block patients from accessing their future online access (prior to go-live)
  • applying the 106 code will release the previous 104 code (prior to go-live)

Additional information

  • after the go-live date applying the 104 code will not automatically block access and this must be done manually on the record access settings
  • after the go-live date applying the code may still be helpful to add so that if the patient moves practices the new practice can see that there may be reasons to apply a manual block to the record access


Financial Incentives for Autumn Vaccination of Care Homes

A financial incentive is available up until 23rd October 2022 to general practice and community pharmacy providers to prioritise the COVID-19 vaccination of care home residents. To claim the incentive payment providers will need to complete a survey, within 48 hours of the visit, setting out how many residents have been vaccinated and how many have declined, or where a personalised care adjustment applies (for example, where there is a clinical reason that a patient cannot be vaccinated).

Change In contribution Rates and Introduction of the 10 Week Rule

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has announced it is introducing changes to the amount members pay towards their NHS pension. See here for details.

PCSE Online will undergo a system change on 27 October 2022 to implement the new contribution rates. This will be followed by a dedicated technical process to automatically apply the new contribution rates to members’ records to avoid practices having to submit a new Estimate form.

Adjustments will appear on the November contractual practice statements for any difference in deductions that are due for the period from 1 October 2022.

Practices must not submit a Salary Change form or revised 2022/23 Estimate of GP and non-GP provider NHS pensionable profits/pay until after the new contribution rates have been applied to PCSE Online.

More Expectations Without Addressing GP Workforce Shortage Not Best Way Forward, says RCGP

Responding to the announcement on GP access being made by Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Thérèse Coffey, Prof Martin Marshall, Chair of the Royal College of GPs, said: “It’s a shame that the Health Secretary didn’t talk to the College and to our members on the frontline before making her announcement because we could have informed her of what is really needed to ensure a GP service that meets the needs of patients and is fit for the future.

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General Practice Has Worked Tirelessly To Improve Access To Appointments – But More Support Needed

Ruth Rankine responds to the Secretary of State’s plan for patients which builds on the NHS winter plan.

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Register With A GP Surgery Service

Following a successful trial of the register with a GP surgery service with over 50 practices, NHS Digital are offering more practices the opportunity to provide online registration to their patients.

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LMC Buying Group                                                                                 

Barnsley LMC has been a member of the LMC Buying Groups Federation since 2013. This means that practices can access the discounts the Buying Group has negotiated on a wide range of products and services.  If you’re not sure what the Buying Group is all about then this short video explains what they do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FekMwFI5ILg.


By registering with the Buying Group:  www.lmcbuyinggroups.co.uk/members/, you can view all the suppliers’ pricing, contact details and request quotes. The Buying Group also offers any member practice a free cost analysis which demonstrates how much money your practice could save just by swapping to buying group suppliers.  Tel: 0115 979 6910  Email: info@lmcbuyinggroups.co.uk   Website: www.lmcbuyinggroups.co.uk